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We Should Decrease In White Blood Cells To Low count?

We Should Decrease In White Blood Cells To Low count?

Reasons for a decrease to low white blood cell count

The blood that circulates in our arteries and veins is connective tissue, however in liquid form. The blood plays an important role in which it is responsible for transporting nutrients and oxygen to the various organs of the body.

Blood is made up of three types of cells, namely red blood cells, leukocytes, and platelets. It is the white blood cells (WBCs) that are responsible for fighting infections and the intrusion of foreign particles. They are also called leukocytes. White blood cells are even more made up of agranulocytes and granulocytes.

In a person without a health problem, the normal number of white blood cells ranges from 4000 mm3 to 10,000 mm3. Nevertheless, white blood cells do not last long and disappear within a few days or weeks. Their function as the very first line of defense of the immune system cannot be questioned.

If the number of white blood cells increases significantly, the person is declared to have leukemia, which is a type of cancer of the blood. Even the use of prescription antibiotics or special types of immunosuppressants can lead to low white blood cell counts. Sometimes healthcare professionals may not be able to find out the specific cause of the low white blood cell count.

A person with a low white blood cell count will be susceptible to various types of infection, specifically referring to the gastrointestinal system and bladder. In addition, he or she will struggle with mouth or gum sores, sore throats, coughs, colds, headaches, and sneezing.

He or she will be given medication to stimulate the bone marrow to produce more white blood cells if a person is identified with a low white blood cell count. These drugs are called growth aspects. In addition, the person will be recommended prescription antibiotics to manage the infection and will be advised to eat a nutritious diet containing the required amount of minerals and vitamins.

Source Kum Martin