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The 5 Safest Cities In The World After The COVID-19 Pandemic

The 5 Safest Cities In The World After The COVID-19 Pandemic

Cities around the world need to reconsider their safety. After facing the COVID-19 pandemic, here are the 5 safest cities.

No event in the modern era has changed the lives of people in the city as much as COVID. From closing offices in the city center to enforcing masks and restrictions on restaurants, measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus have changed the landscape of cities around the world and are likely to affect over the long term. Long, in fact, it is the first time such a large outbreak has occurred to people living in the city. The UN Population Division says that when the Spanish flu epidemic in the early 1900s only 14% lived in the city, but now that number has risen to 57%.

As a result, cities have to be more careful in terms of health protection. and overall safety to better protect the urban population. To explain the changes leading to increased security, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the economic analytics unit of The Economist magazine. Recently published the Safe Cities Index for 2021. It ranks 60 cities using 76 safety metrics covering infrastructure, digital life, personal safety, environmental factors. and of course health both in terms of pandemic preparedness and this year’s mortality rate from COVID-19.

The top-ranking cities in the index. The five cities account for many factors in how overall safety is related to the integration of people in society. diversity of populations and the trust of people in society We spoke to the residents of these cities. To see how the pandemic has made their cities safer, more open, and stronger. What do tourists need to know in order to stay safe? when able to travel to visit these cities.

Copenhagen, Denmark

It is the highest rated in this index. The Danish capital ranks particularly well in this index’s newly established environmental safety. which measures sustainability (including renewable energy incentives), air quality, waste management, and urban forests. The latter has had a huge impact on the city’s and its residents’ ability to cope with pandemic containment measures. which has just canceled all measures in September 2021

Asbjorn Overgadd, Chief Executive Officer of Copenhagen Capacity, a non-profit organization, said: “Parks and green spaces including rivers and canals were very popular during the pandemic. Copenhagen residents go for a walk buy packaged food and enjoy the many recreational areas in the city.” “Corona advice” to help people. This includes having clear signs and markings to keep distances between groups of people outside the home.

In Danish, Samfundssind best sums up the social spirit of Denmark. This has made the citizens of the country as well as the authorities cooperate and trust each other. To create an environment for safer living The Safe Cities Index finds a strong correlation between corruption control and safe cities. Therefore, it is not surprising that Denmark ranks as one of the least corrupt countries in the world. This led the citizens of Denmark to trust institutions and to trust each other during the pandemic.

Copenhagen has also implemented a large screening program for the coronavirus. What remains free for everyone, including tourists. The information gathered makes it possible to observe the outbreak in detail. In addition, Copenhagen will have wastewater monitored to detect outbreaks early.

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Toronto, Canada

Canada’s largest city Ranked second on the overall Safe Cities Index. It scores well in infrastructure and environmental safety. Citizens believe in an open culture that values communication between communities, especially recognizing the importance of vaccines and immunization.

Farida Talat, a resident of Toronto, pointed out that setting up a community-specific vaccination program How can they help make the city safer? For example, the Homebound Sprint Vaccination plan provides the first dose of the vaccine to residents who are unable to leave their homes. and the establishment of a Black Scientists’ Task Force on Vaccine Equity during the early vaccine initiation, to ensure more equitable approaches to immunizing the population.

Urban residents also feel safe from Toronto’s long cultural history. “In Toronto, it is common for people to be born outside of Canada. I meet people of different nationalities And people from different cultural groups actually interact, not living in seclusion,” said Filipe Vernaza, who has lived in the city since 1998. “One group usually consists of people who With a wide variety of races, sexual orientations, and religions, Toronto is a very open city. where you can be feeling safe for who you are.”

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Ranked second in digital security Health and safety and infrastructure security Singapore used these strengths to act quickly in the early stages of the pandemic. It has launched a digital surveillance and rapid contact tracing program for those infected. Singapore also said that it has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world. However, strict monitoring and continued exposure to infected people are still required when exposed to various mutations.

“Before they can enter a building or area, all residents must scan Trace Together tokens or a phone app. to register, “said Sam Lee, from Singapore. who runs a famous travel blog” Doing this makes [Officials] quickly track down people who may be involved in or interact with infected people. causing a quarantine order to control or stop the spread of the virus. “

Visitors must install Trace Together tokens or rent a preinstalled phone. before entering the country.

Working from home has become a norm in most workplaces to reduce interactions. what Lee noticed as The use of public transport has decreased. Tourist attractions and shopping malls have limited entrances, and “Safe Distance Ambassadors” keep a close watch on crowds to make sure they stay safe. People follow public health orders. A person who violates the order can be fined a large sum of money. People can also follow malls, post offices, and grocery stores to see how many people there are. with a new tool called Space Out.

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Sydney, Australia

Australia’s largest city ranks 4th in the overall index and in the top 10 for health security. Australia was one of the first countries to close its borders during the pandemic and has imposed strict closures as the number of infections rises. Australia’s per capita coronavirus death rate remains among the lowest in the world. With the vaccine available to 70% of New South Wales’ population, several restrictions are expected to be lifted and international borders open in November.

In addition to feeling protected during the pandemic Sydney residents have long felt personally safe on the streets: “I have never really felt so safe in the country as when I lived in Sydney,” says Chloe Scorgi, founder of Passport Down Under. Passport Down Under) Australian Travel Site “I traveled to Sydney as a solo traveler. and I never felt any danger at all.

Sydney also ranks number one in digital security. This includes the City of Sydney privacy policy. Cyber Security and Threat Protection and Comprehensive Smart City Plans Sydney’s efforts in this area also flow from the Sydney Smart City Strategic Framework. who brought some innovations to use To make cities safer and more connected, for example, the plan is to put smart sensors in the trash. utility poles along the road and a bench to collect overall usage data. people travel Pedestrian activity In addition, smart lights and CCTV networks can improve safety after dark. And improve the economy at night too.

Some of these ideas are already being implemented in South Sydney in the form of ChillOUT, an open space where residents can meet in smart lights. Connect to a wireless internet signal. and has a plug-in power outlet for service Usage data is fed back to city administrators so they can understand the situation and adapt to how citizens use city infrastructure.

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Tokyo, Japan

The capital of Japan ranks 5th in the overall index and is ranked first in the health security index. which measures many factors such as Universal Health Services, Pandemic Preparedness, Life Expectancy, Mental Health, and Mortality from COVID-19. Although the number of coronavirus cases increases during the Olympics But the infection rate has already dropped dramatically. While vaccination has reached almost 60% of the population. Among the good news, Japan announced the end of the state of emergency and gradually lifted restrictions at the end of September. Japan plans to encourage the use of its own vaccine passports for hospital services and event visits.

Tokyo also achieved the highest score of the top 5 in terms of infrastructure safety, including travel safety, usability on the road. and transport network while Tokyo is a convenient city on foot and connected by rail. Tokyo was created to encourage pedestrian and community interactions. This, in turn, allowed citizens to actively monitor the security of the city. in the form of crime prevention in the neighborhood where you live and helping to keep an eye on and a shared sense of responsibility to prevent crime

Sena Chang, Tokyo resident and founder of Global Youth Review magazine, said, “From loss and recovery centers at stations to almost never locking your bikes, it’s a great way to save money. It shows great respect for the well-being of others.

She described an incident in which she lost a shopping bag in central Tokyo. and I found it in the same place it left with a note of paper on it. I used to live.”

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