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11 Of The Cutest, Most Dedicated Single Dads With His Girl

Statistically speaking, there are far fewer single dads than single mothers. As a result, there’s a stereotype that men aren’t as good as women at raising kids on their own, but as these 11 single dads prove, nothing could be further from the truth!

And because of that, there are also fewer support systems in place for men raising kiddos on their own. Lacking public programs, men’s clubs, and playdates where they can meet others in the same situation, these dads have created their own communities on social media. There, they’ve found a place to swap stories, ask for advice, and celebrate fatherhood. After peeking inside their world, it’s clear that these dads are just as dedicated to their kids as any good mom would be.

“I can’t wait to pick my baby up from her first day”

Via : instagram l scott_js

 “It’s not always easy being a single dad, but sometimes I get to experience some things that other dads might not.”

Source: reddit by blatzphemy

 “As a single dad and pilot, I fly passengers so I can go home and feed my kid. I also often take her around the world with me.”

Source: instagram l daddy_must_fly

“I’m a single dad. My daughter asked when I’d teach her how to shave her legs. Well, today was the day.”

Imgur / PoopsMcGee

“Oh, you know, just a lil spa & movie time with the girls! LOL!!”

instagram l goodjobcobb

“My daughter turns four today. This is my first attempt at a cake as a single dad. I hope she likes it!”

Reddit / Mehlforwarding

“Dad life, you say? I raise you single father dress-up time.”

Reddit / tyhorner

“I’m a single dad of three. This is me sending off my only daughter to her first day of kindergarten.”

Reddit l Shrugged99

“Single dad here, this happens a lot. For reals.”

Reddit l ticosurfer

Looks like he has it handled, but if he ever needs help, there’s a hair school for fathers!

twitter l Zeus Luby

 “As a single dad, this pretty much sums up my life right now.”

Reddit l Solix