Find 15 Cancer Causing Foods You Probably Eat Every Day


What’s worse is that many of us have some potentially cancer-causing foods as staples of our diet. We all know that some foods are better for us than others, but are any bad enough to avoid completely? Research and recently completed long-term studies have brought to light some alarming results. In addition to causing many problems like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes… certain foods have even been linked to cancer.

Millions of people unknowingly consume harmful foods every day.

So let’s take a look at some of the “worst offenders” and see what we really shouldn’t be putting in our bodies.

3Processed Meats

Via: businessinsider

Processed meats, including hot dogs, sausages, bacon, and most lunch meats, can be damaging to your health.

These meats contain chemicals and excessive amounts of salt that are used in the manufacturing process. A recent study by researchers was published in the journal of BMC Medicine. In this study, people who ate more than 160 grams of processed meat increased their risk of death by as much as 44 percent over the course of 12 years. The study itself was conducted over 13 years and across 10 countries.

The chemicals and preservatives (including sodium nitrates) in processed meats are used to improve their appearance on store shelves. However, these same chemicals are commonly known carcinogens.